Those of you who have been following me may have seen a few posts from me about writing on Seeking Alpha.
This Site Pays $45+ per Article With No Viewers for Your Articles on Investing
How To Publish Your First Article on Seeking Alpha (and Earn $45+)
This platform is like Medium but exclusively for investing and the stock market. The original pull of Seeking Alpha was being able to earn fixed payments by writing about specific investments.
Earning a flat $45 to $65 per article made my work more predictable and stable. I can confidently say that if I write 20 articles on investments eligible for $65 fixed payments, I’ll earn $1300.
Compare this to a platform like Medium, where I average anywhere from $1 to $50 per article. I never know if the next article I publish on Medium will pay me.
Of course, there is the virality factor on Medium, where you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars off a single article. I’ve had that happen a few times, with my highest-earning article earning me over $700.
Getting paid per read coupled with the potential to go viral is why platforms like Medium are attractive versus doing something like freelancing.
Your work may be worth little now, but if you stay consistent and continue writing, it will be worth much more in the future versus fixed payments that never grow.
One thing I love about Seeking Alpha, however, is that they offer both fixed and variable earnings. These variable earnings significantly affect your earnings on Seeking Alpha, especially since you can also build an audience on the platform.
While it seems you’re less likely to go viral than you might on Medium, you can still generate a significant number of views on Seeking Alpha and, hence, earnings.
In this article, I will share how much Seeking Alpha pays for your articles and show you how much I’ve been earning per view.
How Much Seeking Alpha Pays per View From My Experience
I have spent most of my efforts writing on Seeking Alpha this September. With only one day left this month, I have published 14 articles, gained over 100 followers, and earned nearly $1K.
Screenshot From Author
This month, I earned $758 of the $992.16 from fixed payments. I wrote about ETFs on the Seeking Alpha Undercovered Stock List and received $45–65 per article as flat earnings. The other $234.16 came from variable earnings.
Screenshot From Author
Variable earnings on Seeking Alpha are similar to that of Medium’s. Whenever a paid Seeking Alpha subscriber reads my article, I get paid a portion of their subscription fee just like how you get paid from member reads on Medium.
With 5,927 subscriber pageviews, I earned $234.16. This means I was earning an average of $0.0395 per view.
Now, I wanted to do a little more research on my earnings and see if specific articles earned significantly more or less. One thing I wanted to check, particularly, was if articles marked as Editor’s Pick get a boost, similar to how Medium Boosts make your articles earn more.
So, I divided each article’s earnings by its pageviews and put them in a chart:
Chart From Author
Interestingly, an article marked as Editor’s Pick does seem to pay more. The two articles I wrote that got this award were the Yonex and QQQY articles, which both had an EPV of over $0.10.
Use This Information To Help Calculate Your Opportunity Costs
Getting this data helped me make better decisions on where to spend my efforts more efficiently.
For example, I decided to prioritize SPYI and SVOL for my last two articles published because they had extremely high view numbers. Even though I would only earn $45 from fixed payments, the variable payments should more than cover the $20 difference.
And I was right.
My article on SVOL has already become my highest-earning article on Seeking Alpha and my first to reach three figures despite only being published two days ago.
I can also use this information to help me decide whether to write on Medium or Seeking Alpha. Let’s say I have a burning idea for a relatively unknown investment, but Seeking Alpha won’t pay me a fixed payment.
Seeing how I earn relatively the same amount per view on both platforms, I may write and publish the article on Medium instead.
This is because Medium is more flexible when it comes to self-promotion. You have options to do things like affiliate marketing, selling your own product, or even simply linking to your other articles.
On Seeking Alpha, you can’t do these things. If you’re not writing about stocks that earn you fixed payments or have a significant following on the platform, you might as well write about them on Medium, where you have a chance to make large profits from things like affiliate sales.
Regardless of what you do with this information, I hope it has helped reveal how much Seeking Alpha pays per article. Of course, earnings will always change from person to person, but my stats should give a good general picture.
Affiliate Link Disclosure: You may assume all links in this article are affiliate links. If you purchase any product or service through the link, I may be compensated at no extra cost to you.
Originally published on Medium.com. Get a Medium membership and read articles like this one ad-free.
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