I Finally Published My First Article In Seeking Alpha
First impressions of the platform as a writer.
Today marks a breakthrough in my writing career. After a week of researching, writing, and editing, I finally published my first article in Seeking Alpha. For those who don’t know what Seeking Alpha is, think of it like Medium but exclusively for stock investing. I first wanted to publish articles on the platform after seeing the…
Why We Stopped Making YouTube Shorts (It Could Kill Your Channel)
How much money YouTube Shorts paid us for 413K views.
Seeing how I’ve been spending a large portion of my time working on a YouTube channel with my brother, I realized I could write more content, sharing our experiences and hopefully helping readers like you gain insight into what it’s like to be a YouTuber. Almost a week ago, I wrote an article detailing our…
How Much YouTube Pays Per 1,000 Views (Google Adsense Revenue Breakdown By Country)
Diving into the earnings of my sports niche YouTube channel.
When my brother and I were about to get our first channel monetized, we were super excited about how much we might earn from it. I remember constantly searching for articles and videos, looking into other people’s earnings to get an idea of how much we might earn from our channel. The results were often…